

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Grey weather but cheerful boogers

We braved the weather and the rain and started the day with a walk in the forest. Noah slept in the harness while Marlee enjoyed jumping from big rocks :-D

Marlee in the forest

Back home

I can fly!!

Marlee made a bed for him and Noah on the kitchen floor while waiting for lunch

Noah got a well deserved bath before going to bed today and I tried to take a cute picture of him before the bath but he did not want to cooperate. It was almost like he was trying to be funny and just make strange faces in every picture!

The cutest I got...

He was more cooperative after the bath

I almost forgot to mention it, the photo book of the previous year is finished and printed!!! I have been VERY busy with finalizing it but now it is done and I am happy with the result. Just like last year I was planning on giving the small ones as Christmas presents to the closest family but I did not have time to finish them in time so they will be a late Christmas present. Here is a small sample of the big one!

Front page of the big photo book

The small photo "book" in English and Swedish

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

2 minutes of laughter

I finally managed to add the video of Noah laughing even if I had to make it smaller. I hope the quality will be ok anyway! He is probably tired but he can always show you a smile!

I took the chance to add some more pictures of my boys from today. The weather has been very boring. It has rained a lot and most of the snow is gone again... It is supposed to get colder by the end of the week so we'll see. We are planning to go skiing on Sunday with some friends so...

Me, my monkey and my monkey hat went for a walk :-)
Noah is helping Marlee with his puzzle book

Marlee is enjoying the dinner

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Noah 5 months today!

A day with a few degrees above freezing so the snow is melting and it is dark and grey outside. But we are happy to celebrate that Noah is 5 months today!! Below is a video with 2 minutes of laughter that I hope will make your day! :-)

We have given Noah potato pur'ee two times, or rather a very tiny portion and so far it has not been a success but I am sure it will be! ;-) He is eating a lot during the night right now and most of the day, too, so I believe that he is a very hungery little dude and that it is time to complement the mummy food.

A few days ago Marlee got a haritcut. He was very good at sitting still!




2 minutes of laughter

Unfortunately I could not upload the video but I will try again tomorrow!

Friday, January 25, 2013

White snow, sunshine, swimming and "styrofoaming"

More days with snow, cold and beautiful weather. Yesterday mormor came over and played in the snow with Marlee. Emily came for a while too so Marlee had lots of attention and time to play!!! I made us some warm sandwiches and hot chocolate with whipped cream to enjoy outside.

Today I went to the pool with Marlee and Noah to go swimming with his daymum and the children. We had a lot of fun! Back home we had lunch and after that a friend came over with her children (same ages as Marlee and Noah) and her husband. Later today Marlee and I had some fun playing with mormor's homemade styrofoam cutter

Good morning sunshine!!

A gorgeous day with lunch outside and hot chocolate with whipped cream

Looking at Instagram with mormor

Too bad Marlee took a picture of himself with my phone when he had stolen it without asking... :-)

(Not) Only in America - Giant marchmallows!!

 A fish mobile that we made today, thanks to mormor's homemade styrofoam cutter

We also made this

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The freezing cold is back but it is soooo beautiful!!!

The cold is back and we are putting on all the warm clothes we have. Everything is white and it is not because it is snow on it but because the air is so cold it is frost everywhere, and a lot! It makes it look like a fairytale and very beautiful. I am trying to catch it in a picture over and over again (as you will see below :-) but it is impossible to make the picture show the "real thing"!

Noah has started to use the bouncy thing (not sure of the name in English, Swedish: hoppgunga) and he seems to like it. He gets bouncier and bouncier every time he uses it. Marlee mostly goes sledding or play with his cars and puzzles. 

Noah on the train

Our big oak tree

The moon is visible all day and all night here now

A very cold fence

Noah figuring out how to use the bouncy thing

Marlee going sledding outside our house and Noah chilling with morfar

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The worst cold passed and the temperature is back to normal

We have had a couple of days with very cold weather, around -15 - -20C (5 - -4F)!! However it has been very clear and sunny weather. Marlee has been sledding and skiing while Noah hangs out in the stroller or carrier. Both children have been wearing wool underwear and fleece under their winter clothes and they have never complained about the temperature.

Skiing where mormor and morfar live (in Kungsängen)

Just a beautiful birch tree (about -15C / 1,4F)

Marlee can really make Noah laugh when the timing is right!! They are so cute together and it makes a mother very happy to how her children enjoy each other so much!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Diaperless or less diapers...

I forgot something, maybe the most important thing today... That Marlee went the whole day without diapers and no accidents!!! He has been sledding, riding in the car, napping in the car, been excited etc and still no accidents! I am such a proud mother today!

Quick update

This will just be a short post to show you that we are still here! ;-) I apologize if the last post was kind of confusing. I made the update in the middle of the night, while being half asleep. At the time it seems funny but when reading it the day after I could see that it was a little strange... Hope you enjoyed listening to Noah in the dark though :-) 

It has been sooo busy the last week and it is still not over but we are having great fun enjoying friends, family and wonderful snow!!!! Those of you who have instagram know what I mean :-) And for those of you who don't here is a quick flashback plus some more!

Since I wrote last time, grey muddy weather has turned into beautiful white winter again! We turned in our car to fix something one day and I had to get around with the sibling stroller, it was the day when the snow came and it was snowing the complete day. Not the best day to drive a stroller but I am lucky to have such cool happy and tough children!

Today we celebrated Christmas with my sister and her family, with tacos, sledding and Christmas presents :-) Not very traditional but a good day and it was nice to see Linn, Ailo and Johan!

Trying out mamma's glasses

Baby Rubiks cube


Since Marlee got a CD player (for Christmas) he spends a lot more time in his room listening to stories and music, preferably suuuuper loud, while solving puzzles or playing with cars :-D

Our small oak trees from acorns

This is how far we have come with removing Christmas decorations...

Posing in his thermal underwear

Today's view from the upper floor

Our house

Marlee going on the flying saucer

Down by the lake

Thursday, January 17, 2013

while the rest of us is trying to sleep..

Noah is very happy and has been talking fir about 20min. Marlee has given up sleeping in our bed and went back to his own room. I don't think that has happened before..

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

the snow is back!

We woke up to a white world today! So nice! Marlee went to the forrest with Annelie and the children and me and Noah have gone to IKEA. Just bought a coffee and an Orange juice for 9 sek, about $1.50 :-) I love IKEA!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Noah turned from belly to back today!

Noah seems to be very ticklish. Every time we put on or take off his clothes he giggles a lot :-D

Saturday evening me and Noah left the house for the big boys to be all alone. Aman and Mobi came over and spent the night with them. Noah and I went to Sofia and had a quiet evening talking and watching TV. It felt strange to not have Marlee running around but I enjoyed being able to actually keep to a conversation without loosing focus every other minute :-) Noah and I also spent the night and got back home on Sunday.

Yesterday we all went to a birthday party. It was my cousin's son, Sigvard, who turned three. We had a great time!

Today Noah turned for the first time! From belly to back. We were going to film it but then he got shy and did not want to do it anymore.. ;-)