

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Dog sitting, Thanksgiving and Birthday party

Back from our awesome snow trip and we are watching Toby (the dog) so that some other family members can you go for a little ski vacation. He is such a sweet easy dog!

Toby and Raffi
 Thanksgiving!! Lots of family gathered together and we had a great day!

One of Alex's `aunts made these ridiculously cute soaps. 

Turkey apple muffins

More very very pretty pastries

The yearly ginger bread house building :-)

Birthday party for a friend!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Snow mountain visit!!!!

A trip up to Atlanta, GA, and Snow mountain, which is normally called Stone mountain. We went there during our road trip in the summer and now we were going back to enjoy the snow slides they have during the winter. It took as quite a while to head out of Ormond due to a few different things but eventually we were on the way and arrived safely to our hotel close to the park. Everyone slept good and we were all very excited to see what it would be like!

The small slide in the kids corner :-) Still so much fun!

Time to go on our first BIG slide!!!

Bye bye!

And another one...

At the bottom of one of the big slides

Marlee coming down the steepest one...

Stone mountain

Standing up

It's snowing!!

The boys built an igloo with some other kids at the end of the day and it was so difficult to get them to leave the park and snow. As soon as we had left the snow area they all realized how wet and cold they were and they all just wanted to go back to the hotel and get warm :-)

It was a wonderful trip and we had so much fun!! I could definitely do this again! 

We saw some beautiful fall colors on the way home <3

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Mormor and Morfar are here!!!!

How exciting, mormor and morfar arrived!!! And with them a lot of delicious Swedish food and candy.

Field trip to the skeleton museum in Orlando.

Enjoyed a game of mini golf before we headed back to Ormond :-)

Back in Ormond and at Ninja kids, a gymnastic/parkour/martial arts mix class.

Gabriel with his friend, waiting for their class to start.

Their Swedish Candy bags....

Story time!