

Monday, March 26, 2012

Yet another present!

We thought the birthday greetings were over for this time but no... Another present arrived in the mail today from moster Linn och Johan.

A t-shirt with Bosse (their dog) on it! :-D

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Yesterday we had some friends over, Sofia, Aman and Mobi 1,5 year. Marlee and Mobi had a good time in the garden as well as indoors. The weather was very nice so we ended the day with a good BBQ.

Mobi in the sand box

Mobi and Aman
Climbing the little hill...
...and sliding down on my belly...
Back inside we were all a little tired.
Sofia is resting with Mobi and Marlee :-)

Dancing with the Christmas dog... again... and again..

Enjoying some Christmas dog music again...

Walking with his eyes shut and exploring the new fishing pole

Yesterday Marlee suddenly started walking with his eyes shut. I guess he had discovered a new fun way to walk around :-).

When pappa came he wanted to show him what you could do with the new fish, except for using them for fishing :-)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

My birthday

I first want to say
Thank you for all the thoughts, greetings and presents on my Birthday!!!

It started in the morning when mamma and pappa gave me birthday presents in bed!!! Fun fun!!!

The best one was a tri-cycle! Mamma had not done a very good wrapping.
I could see right away what was hiding under the wrapping paper!

I spent the day with pappa and my friend Ika and her dad Anders. Good day!!!
While waiting for the dinner guests I got more presents!!!! This time from farmor and farfar (see video in an earlier post)

And then came the dinner guests - mormor, morfar and gammel mormor ... and... more presents!!! A fort (tent) and a sopbil (garbage truck) were the big favourites!

Opening the present from gammel mormor. A fort!!

Passed out on mapa's bed after a very good Birthday!
(did not mean that I could not wake up at
seven the next day to play with the sopbil...)

Rubber chickens in my PJ's and hiding in my fort!

Unwrapping presents!!

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! La la la la la la!! From farmor and farfar

Wonderful spring weather and morfar visiting

(March 21st) Helping Gammel mormor with her walker (?)

March 22nd
Napping outside in mummy's lap

Throwing pine cones in the water

The lake, still with some ice...

It is a big day tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Eating porridge

Marlee is earing his bedtime porridge (Unfortunately I am covering the microphone part of the video..)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Kissing the frog

When brushing teeth we have different routines in order to make it more fun (and less protesting). Right now it is a lot of focus on drinking and playing with a little plastic cup and kissing the frog. One sip from the cup and then some brushing, a sip, brushing and so on. Finally a kiss for the frog. This time he had a kiss for my friend Maja, too :-) (you tell from my tone of voice that I got a little dissappointed that Maja got a kiss and I did not :-)

Taking a bath

Marlee and I took a shower but when I was ready to get out Marlee was not... Well, he never seemed to have enough so finally I had to take him out so that he would not get cold, but not without him protesting. Good that it is not too long to next time ;-)

In the forest

Marlee and I took a good walk in the forest. He is such a good walker and really likes to climp up hills and walk over fallen trees.