

Saturday, August 30, 2014

My baby turned two today!!!!! :-*

Noah turned two today and we have had a great and busy day. Marlee has a cold and after lunch they both napped for about two hours, which I think they really needed. This is how we spent Noah's birthday! My happy, easy going, stubborn little angel!

Some presents in the morning. Duplo for Noah!

Marlee's card to Noah :-)

Even Marlee got a present. His real lego with instructions!! It has kept him pretty busy today :-)

After breakfast, some Lego/Duplo play and talking to mormor and morfar on Skype we took the daily bath in the pool!

The boys chose Mac n cheese for lunch and after that they both napped!!

Noah did not let go of his new duplo when napping

More gifts to open after napping!

Time for a late dinner! (good that they napped for so long! :-)

Last present of the day, a car!!!

Time to say good night. Noah giving Eli a kiss! 

They finally calmed down and fell asleep. As I am writing this Marlee is actually up again hugging with pappa on the couch.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sleeping and swimming

We have been here for 5 days now and the pool is our best friend. It is really hot and I cannot do anything else outside than being in the pool/water. Farmor has taken the boys to the playground a few times but it is too hot for me to do that. The pool is the savior and the boys love it!!! We have even been out with the boat and Marlee has been snorkeling and seen fish! Noah was very tired and not happy when we were out on the boat but he did ok.

"Swimming" without any floating device!

Playing with farfar in the pool!

Marlee snorkeling with pappa and farmor :-)
A boy with few words and many faces!
This is what we did at the playground in the heat :-)

Yesterday cousin Eli was visiting with Cory and Felicia. He is soooo cute!!! Noah paid close attention and enjoyed the baby ( he is four months now). It was the first time we met him and he was being such a little angel. I cannot wait for our little one to arrive! :-)
Meet cousin Eli (and Felicia)!
I am so glad that farmor has filled the fridge with home grown mangos!
The boys have pretty much gotten rid of the jetlag. This morning they woke up at 7:30 which I think is perfect. They also go to sleep very good at night and do not take too long at all.

Noah with his favorite Teddy bear

Like father like son :-)

An hour ago

Friday, August 22, 2014

We are in Miami!

We had some good busy last days in Sweden before we left. Mormor and morfar came to Stockholm and spent a lot of time with the boys so that me a Alex could focus on getting the house ready to rent out and pack.

Last ride in the tractor/trailer :-)

Noah followed big brother out in the bushes. Regretted it!

We were very exited to go on the plane to Florida, our first direct flight to Florida and with the new Dream liner!! It surely had some fun and useful technical solutions. Will tell you later!
Mormor and morfar drove us to the airport with our big load of bags (7 pieces to check in and 3 carry ons...). The flight was two hours late but we did not mind. Gave us time to have some food and buy some gifts for small friends in Florida :-) But of course, even though we had so much extra time we were still late to the gate and I did not have time to get my Swedish candy that I was planning on buying :-( We were definitely not the last people at the gate but Alex had to go through on extra security check so eventually we were the very last people to get on. At least it was not our fault!
Well on the plane we got to explore the new features of the Dream liner. There was nothing to pull down for the window but instead you could "tint" the window, make it darker, to avoid the sun light. If you wanted to order something extra to eat/drink you did on the touch screen, where you also slid you card to pay, and they delivered it shortly after.
We had paid extra for proper food and it was server soon after take off. Noah sat on my lap and it got kind of wet, warm after a while... His diaper had leaked... Good my pants was kind of thin and dried kind of quickly :-/ Noah got some new clothes and was happy again! The rest of the flight went very smoothly and we arrived well in Ft Lauderdale, about 1h 15min late. Farfar was there to pick us up.
This is when the problems started... My turn to go through an extra security check and we all had to sit in a room and wait for them to do what-ever-they-were-doing-or-checking-up. The boys had slept for a few hours on the plane but it was now about 4am Swedish time so they had a hard time to sit still and behave. I can't blame them! Alex and I did our best to entertain them. Finally, TSA said that everything was ok and we could leave. Time to pick up the bags, which, of course, had to go through and extra screening/check up!!! Farfar had been waiting for 2hours now and we had not even been able to let him know that we were on the way (no cell phones allowed in TSA area). Luckily he had not given up on us! :-) Surprisingly, all the bags fit in the car, except in the stroller that had to go on the roof and we were ready leave. That's when Alex realized that we did not have our passports... They still had them at the extra bag screening. Alex ran in to get them and came back with all of them! Phew!! The traffic jam on the way home seemed like a minor problem after going through US security and we arrived home around 6am Swedish time. Rather tired but happy! Had some food and fell asleep quickly!! Before going to sleep I realized that we had forgotten one bag at the belt so we have to solve that now. Luckily it was the smallest bag, only 5kg, so it has less things than all the other bags!

Trying out the window feature! :-)

Checking out the touch screen :-)

Beautiful sun set close to Florida!

Today we have had a great day so far. Lots of swimming in the pool! Both boys jumping from the side. Marlee without any floating equipment but stays floating doing his dog swim and snorkeling. Noah is now napping but Marlee is "4 years old and then you are never tired"!!! ;-) He did lay down to rest for a while at least!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Only four days left...

We only have a few days left in Sweden now and we are trying to do the most out of them but still get things done that needs to be done before we leave. We are trying to see as many friends as possible and do things that we love to do here.

Wake up papa, wake up!!

Friends over!

An angel!

Noah can surely lay down anywhere!!! (he is not sleeping, just resting)

Spent some time in the Lasse Ã…berg park in BÃ¥lsta

Noah at the park, too

Ready for the mushroom hund (and the mosquitos...)

Happy hunter!

Not much at all but half of the fun is just exploring the forest :-)

Mobi visiting

Talk no evil, see no evil, hear no evil!

Not sure how the binkey ended up on his cheek...

Playing a game with Marlee. Wish I did that more often! <3

Noah got a car today from our guests and he did not let go of it...

Monday, August 11, 2014

Brave Marlee surprised us all!!!

We have had some great days with my friend Brigitte who went back today. She has been such help with the boys, too, and we are so happy that she could come visit. Last time she was here was the summer Marlee was born, so four years ago.
So what has Marlee done that is so brave...? I jumped from the highest trampoline by the beach close to our house. I would guess that it is 3-4m (10-13ft) high!!!!! Totally crazy! He has been really proud after which he should be :-)

Alex jumping from the top trampoline

And then Marlee!!

Me and Noah chilling in the water. Noah did not really enjoy riding on my back...

The last dinner before Brigitte left. Soooooo yummy!!!

The dinner also contained home grilled burgers so no one would go hungry!

One toilet for children and one for adults. This is what I want to have in my home!!!!!

Noah fell asleep on my lap (belly) tonight <3 <3 <3