

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Field trips, camping and boat ride

We have surely enjoyed the gorgeous weather later. It has simply been perfect and I wish it would stay like this...

Field trip to the Marine Science center in Ponce Inlet. Unfortunately, Marlee was sick and had to stay home.

Noah by the stingray


Walk on the beach to learn about animals, Noah is showing the guide a shell that he found

 The same evening was the Talent show at one of our coop. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures :-( Noah showed some of his water color drawings and Marlee did bike tricks. They both did very good!

Last weekend we all went camping with Marlee's and Noah's Trail life. We had a great time!!

Marlee paddling and Noah swimming

Marlee rescuing Noah when he is paddling :-)

Alex and Marlee going on the tube behind the boat

Marlee and Noah on the tube :-)

The beach in the morning

Time to pack up and leave... Can you find Marlee?

We found "snow" outside Publix the other day!!! Snow ball fight!

Celebrating St Patrick's day at a friends house

Pancake breakfast
A while ago we bought a small boat and now the engine is on and running!! We all went out today for the first time. Beautiful weather!

Tomorrow I am about to empty the kitchen in order to get it ready for a redo... If everything is going according to plan the work will start on Monday and the old kitchen will only be a memory...

Thursday, March 8, 2018

March stuff and Washington Oaks gardens state park

It has been empty here without mormor and morfar and Gabriel keeps asking where they are. Not in a sad way, more like a curious way. I tell him that they are in Sweden and then, when we go to different places he keeps asking if we are in Sweden. Sweet boy! Luckily farmor (and maybe farfar, I am not sure) is soon coming up here when we are going to do some exciting changes in our house!!!....

There might be too many boys around here!!?? Lol!

We "dog sat" Flo for about a week and Rafael really liked her

My grape fruit tree looks beautiful and smells even better!! I had no idea the flowers smell just like Jasmine.

Last weekend Alex had the great idea to go to one of the parks around here. We decided to go look at some ruins and special rocks outside St Augustin. However, that part of the park was closed due to damage (I think it was), probably from the hurricanes, but the rest of the park was amazing so we had a great day!! And, I brought our good camera and had lots of fun with it!!!

Lunch in Ormond by the Sea on the way to the park

!!!!! <3 <3 <3

So cool and yet so sweet!

Lots of fun in the hammock with Dracula. Lol!

This big belly had fun, too!

If you do not just want to relax in the hammock...

Waiting for the food, it was a little chilly and windy...

 At the park...              (Check it out here!)

We were probably not supposed to do this...

Florida now and Sweden 2,5 year ago...

Noah can get a little crazy sometimes, too :-)

Looks like Gabriel is in some sort of musical. Ha ha!

I took a lot of pictures of plants but I will spare you and only post two :-)

I love this picture! (and it is not even of one of my kids!)

A boy and his orange...

Lots of room for running, even for little feet

Oh wow! Proof that I was at the park, too!

Beach front, Halifax River

We used the timer on the camera. Mohahahah!

Pretty good turn-out

This picture makes me laugh. They look so grumpy and it looks so made up.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Spending the end of February with mormor and morfar

This is probably  the longest "break" I have had from posting here... It makes me a little sad that I have not had time/have not prioritized this more because it gives me such a good log of what we do, and I don't want you, who read this, to think that I have forgotten you... Because of of the long break there are a lot of pictures to post so I will first finish up the later part of February in this post and then make a new one for the beginning of March.

Our beach approach is being rebuilt (and has been for a few months...) so we are accessing the beach by the next one.

A boy and his board...

Is it just me or are the foot steps coming out of the sand?

He was grumpy and did not want to be in the picture :-)

He is surprisingly good at making "drop castles"

mormor is reaching Marlee a two-person-solitaire (I know that does not make sense in English :-)

Time for school work, reading

He is so fast! Got into the pool twice two times this day without anyone stopping him. Lol!

Rafael was exhausted and fell asleep on morfar

We went to the beach with about ten families and so many kids!

Wow, they are going swimming without any grandchildren!!!

Such sweet babies! Rafael and little Luke (about 6 weeks old)

A big turtle at the park!! It was not very shy either :-)

Mormor, morfar and I* went to the paint and party place one night. It might be the first thing I do with them, without kids, since Marlee was born!!! It was about time! We had a lot of fun! I am so glad we did it!

* Thanks for correcting me, Kathleen :-)

morfar and mormor

My final creation

At the coop playground, with friends

Mormor and I went to get a pedicure together, second thing we did together without kids!!! Great relaxing!

At a birthday party at Rainbow park

Cupcakes are good!

A day in Ponce Inlet at a favorite restaurant and nice beach
That was the last part of the visit with mormor and morfar. They are now back in Sweden where we will see them once we go!