

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

U.S. Roadtrip: Washington D.C.

The Capital!!! We actually stayed at a camping ground in Virginia since D.C. is so small, but we spent most of our time in the capital.

Alex had work in the morning so we dropped him off at a Mc Donald's downtown while we visited the Capitol Building where congress sits, which includes house of representatives and the senate. After that we picked Alex up and did more tourist stuff :-)

The ducks had their own entrance and exit to the fountain/pond in front of the capitol building

Some cute kids I found in front of the Capitol building. Lol!

The Capitol Building

Same building :-)
The bible museum was our next stop.

They had a copy of bibles in all printed languages. Find the Swedish one!

Kids' corner. Daniel in the Lions den.

Just a nice building :-) Probably important but I don't know.
The Washington monument which unfortunately was closed so we could not go in and up. 

Washington Monument

Outside the Lincoln Memorial

And inside :-)

In front of one of his speeches (I think :-)

Outside again. The Washington Monument can be seen in the little water that is left in the "pond"

In front of the National World War II Monument

More monuments and one estate!

The Jefferson Memorial
Let's learn about President George Washington!

The home

Nowadays people do business while playing golf...

Gives you an idea how well the Americans fought

So fun - Spy museum and money printing!!

The spy museum was a lot of fun but not much to take photos of.

Hanging above the city for at least 60sec. He did it!!!

Noah did good but did not reach the 60sec

Just another family picture...

Jefferson memorial in the background
Marlee's favorite place, the money printing press - Bureau of Engraving and Printing. We were not allowed to take any pictures inside, during the guided tour, so we don't have many pictures from this either.

Non cut bills for sale. Real money but more like a poster. Marlee wanted it so badly!!
Our last day in Washington, or more correctly Gainesville, VA, we actually just stayed at the campground and got some things done. There were several kids living in campers at this campground and our kids played with them every minute we spent there. They rode their bikes and explored the woods. Just like kids used to do. 

"Decorating" the back of our trailer

[This note has been added later because i forgot and I wanted to have this here "for the record". The Sunday (June 2) we were in Virginia/D.C. we decided to go to McLean Bible Church where David Platt is one of the pastors. I have listened to him online and like what he has to say so it was exciting to be able to go to his church. It was the biggest church I have ever been to! We were very late so we almost decided to go to the service after the one we planned to go to. However, we finally decided to be late and not to go later, to give us more time in D.C. after. Later that day we heard that Trump had come to the same church, the service after ours, the one we almost went to. He doesn't normally go there so that was a coincidence :-) ]


  1. Hej på er alla. Såg först nu att du lagt ut många fina bilder och info om resan. Ma och jag tycker det är häftigt att kunna följa er både här och på Instagram under skilda delar av resan. Ni gör verkligen mycket och killarna får en spännande undervisning om Amerikas historia på plats.

    Kramar från Pa

  2. WOW! Great tour. Too bad Marlee couldn’t bring his Farfar a BIG bag of money ��.
    I sure hope the guys remember some of this. What a great experience ❤️ Love, Farfar
