

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Walk, walk, walk...

Yesterday was "Valborg" celebration here in Sweden and big bonfires all over the country. We had friends over for food and games and later we went to the fire in our neighborhood. I great day!

Family by the fire

Marlee walking in his pj's around the fire

Today we started the day (after breakfast etc) with a morning walk. Walking around the neighborhood is probably Marlee's favorite thing right now :-)

Two days ago Sofia and Mobi was visiting, and finally I remembered to take a picture of Mobi. He is 7 months and sooooo cute!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. som alltid: så söt! Lite zombi-style när han går...=) Jag längtar tills ni kommer ner! Han kan få gångträna med Bosse...
