

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Happy 1st Birthday David!!! Lost tooth and hundreds of Manatees!

We are finally all well (except for David with some minor night cough) and we have had some exciting days this week. It started on Tuesday when Raffi suddenly lost a tooth!? It was like a Deja Vue from when Noah lost his first tooth, no one knew it was loose and then he just suddenly lost it. Except, this time it was not even one of the very front tooth, it was the next in line. Not sure I have ever seen someone loosing one of those before the front ones… well, he is still happy as a clam like always! 

Wednesday we went on a field trip to Blue Springs. Lots of manatees come there during the winter to escape the cold rivers. The springs stay the same temperature all year around. The day we went it was really cold and rainy and more than 400 manatees were “hiding” in Blue Springs. What an amazing scene!! 

So much fun but maybe the most exciting news is that David turned ONE YEAR today!!! That sweet little booger! Between coop and work we did not have much chance to celebrate him (and luckily he is unaware of what a big day it is) but we did have cake after dinner and we lo sang for him. It was the first sweet thing he had gotten and he did not like it much 😂


  1. Otroligt vad mÄnga manatees pÄ sÄ litet omrÄde. MÄste vara en mÀktig upplevelse.
    David verkade undrande inför era födelsedagssÄnger men det hÀr var ju första gÄngen för honom. Inte sÄ konstigt dÄ.
    MĂ„nga kramar

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwww…. I love you all a whole lot. Love, Farfar
