

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Counting down the days until school starts

Beach, birthday parties and baby David - that’s what 2022 had been like so far. We celebrated New year with the cousins until they left after dinner. Then we went over to some friends house to wait for the new year to start. It was a good night and all but David and Raffi stayed awake :-)

Beach day with the cousins. Hole and tunnel building. Marlee tried to surf but the waves were very small. 

The weather has been gorgeous. We have been outside quite a bit but it still feels like too little. While we had lunch outside the other day we had a little visitor- a land turtle. He was not very scared at all and happily ate the cucumbers we gave it. 

The kids got a new swing for de Leon springs for Christmas. Alex put it up the other day and the boys are so happy!

The big news is that this little guys is walking a lot now!!! Watch out!!


  1. FUN, FUN, FUN... Love, Farmor

  2. Äntligen tittade jag på dina bilder och filmer och jag blev jätteglad över det jag fick se. Kosläppet var roligt att se. Inte så vanligt att få uppleva sånt. Att se ert julfirande gjorde att jag saknade er extra mycket. Det som gjorde mig extra glad var alla aktiviteter som ni gör med killarna och att ni gör de tillsammans.
    Särskilt roligt är det att följa Davids utveckling och se hur de andra killarna är tillsammans med honom.
    Vi ses snart.
    Massor av kramar.
