

Saturday, April 10, 2021

A fresh new start?

Time flies and I am sooo far behind on this blog. I guess life took over and there is simply not enough hours, minutes or even seconds to keep this updated. I know there is always a choice and I have chosen other things. I apologize that I have left you out and not kept this updated. Our days are normally filled with school, playtime, cleaning cooking, activities and seeing friends. I hope this will be a fresh start on the blog and I hope to not only add a bunch of pictures but also make some notes about the boys and their whereabouts, different personalities, achievements etc. Maybe for my own records mostly but hopefully it can be of interest for others, too. If not, just keep looking at the pictures and ignore the words :-)

We are all doing well and most of you know that we have a new human addition to our family, precious David! He is such a snuggly little bundle of joy. The brothers are happy too, but in a different way they were before he was born. While I was pregnant Rafael was by far the most excited brother but of course he has no idea what to expect, and probably just imagined a play pal his own size. Marlee, on the other hand did not want another brother. He needs a lot of attention and knows that another brother means less of that, at least from me. David was eventually born, late, but born anyway :-) and both Rafael and Marlee did a 360. Rafael has never showed dislike for David but he became very defiant and disobedient ones little brother was here. My 4-year-old, who had always been my sweet, always-by-my-side companion, suddenly seemed to be in his terrible-twos. And I totally know why. Luckily it only lasted for a few weeks and after reading good books and talking about it my sweet, snuggly 4-year-old is back. He even seems to enjoy being a big brother. Marlee, on the other hand, has been surprisingly affectionate towards David and loves to lay next to him and snuggle with him. He has never been like this with any brother before and maybe he realized that a little brother was not so bad after all! 

David was first expected to be born January 29. That was changed after an ultrasound, to January 7! Not really knowing what to think I expected him any time in January. The last couple of month was really really hard for me because of some kind of nerve issue and I could hardly walk. I had constant pain in my right leg and walking made it so much worse. Thanks to Alex and friends we could pretty much keep doing what we normally do with school, coops and other activities. Alex had not booked any trip for work in January nor February so he was able to be home and help as much as possible. 

 January came and the days went by, and no baby... He did not have a name at this point. I had extra ultrasounds since he passed his "new" due date and everything looked fine. A doctor would normally induce me when reaching two weeks after due date but my midwife let me go longer since my date had changed so much and everything looked good. So we waited... until the evening of January 26 and we all watched Little House on The Prairie. It was a very unusual episode, more like a comedy show and we all laughed a lot. Maybe that started it...? Either way, me and Alex went to Sanford, to the midwife and, long story short, at 8:04am, January 27, David was born! He was well and I was, too. Grateful and tired we were all so happy to finally be together! He weighted 8.9lbs (4036g) and was 21inches (53,5cm) long. Way bigger than all the other brothers! He was also the first one born in an American hospital because the midwife thought there was a complication that was not really a complication...

It has been interesting to have a baby so "late" after the previous one. All the other brothers are about 2 years apart and now it was 4.5 years! It is very nice to have the boys so close together, so they can play with each other, but I must say that it is really nice to not have a toddler in diapers who doesn't listen while having a newborn. Now all the big brothers can help, and they know how to wait if I cannot get to them right away when they need me. And they can help each other, if I cannot fast enough :-)

Born at a hospital in Oviedo, FL.

The hospital served a celebration dinner :-) It was pretty awesome!

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