

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hurry Lillebror!!!

I am not the only one getting a little impatient... Marlee wants Lillebror to get here, too :-)

Yesterday, we walked the neighbour dog in the forest.

Bob(,) Marlee and Alex


  1. "GET OUT OF THERE LILLEBROR!" I'm sure Marlee thinks as soon as his brother comes out, he'll be ready to play trucks and run through the woods. (Oooooooo...wouldn't that be nice?) Maybe untying the string to those sweat pants will help :-) Love,Farfar

  2. Thanks Tina for the quick photos. They're great! "BH" (big hands) arrived at the perfect time! MITT is running for President of the United States and Lillebror sure has some large MITTS! Never saw a baby with such big hands. He's going to be a guitar player or an NFL Quarterback. He's beautiful too! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Can't wait to see him LIVE AND IN PERSON!!! Love, Farfar
