

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Last day of CC for this school year

Our school year is not over yet but our coops are. Our last day of CC was a very exciting one, but first some other random pictures.

Marlee and Noah with some of their friends in front of a fancy car they were all very impressed by. :-)

Noah helping Raffi with his reading ❤️❤️

David “reading” while going to sleep…

Part of preparing for the last day of cc was to create egg protectors as a science project.

Our last day of CC. Symphony and home made instrument presentations.

Raffi made a drum set 

Gabriel made a pan flute

And then the very exciting egg protector test!! The fire department came with one of their fire trucks to drop the egg protectors from 25ft, 50ft and 75ft. Two of the boys made it to 75ft but their eggs did not make it from that height. 

Noah and his class mates

Gabriel with his class mates 

Me and David watching the fire men

Just a cool flower..


All participants :-)

1 comment:

  1. Festligt med "egg protector", och att få brandkåren att ställa upp. Undrar om de gjort de i Sverige.
