

Monday, January 30, 2023

Christmas Eve

So it finally arrived, Christmas Eve. Even if we try hard to take the focus off of gifts and presents it is difficult. I must say, the joy of giving makes it hard not to buy gifts… This year all the boys had made sure to get gifts for all their brothers and cousins. It probably started with Gabriel wrapping gifts early. His love language is with no doubt gifts and he is such a thoughtful gift giver. It was sweet to see them care for each other and plan each others gifts without me intervening at all. I will admit though that they did threaten each other more than one time to not give the gifts on Christmas when another brother upset them. 😂

We started Christmas Eve by going to church and when we got home it was time to start sharing gifts.

Christmas Eve was a very cold day this (last) year but we enjoyed some outdoor time where the kids could try out some of their new gifts. David got to wear his new sweater that mormor made him. It is a copy of one of her sweaters :-)

A great end on a great day. Farmor had made a delicious dinner and we did our best to keep the kids behaving at the dinner table after all the fun this day. 

Merry Christmas!! God Jul!!

1 comment:

  1. Verkar som Santa varit frikostig. Många julklappar och många barn. Saknar verkligen tindrande barnaögon.

    Kramar från Pa.
