

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Slowly moving in to our new home

I have had a cold for more than a week but is finally feeling better now. Life still goes on and here comes the latest news :-)

The church that Marlee's preschool is part of and that we have been to here, had the mass on the beach last Sunday. We had a great time, brought picnic and went swimming. They always have great music playing so we enjoyed that, too.

The band playing

Our little picnic

On Tuesdays, Chick-fil-a, which is a fast food restaurant here, with chicken only, have craft night and I took the children there. Marlee got to do "some crafting" :-)

Painting the little fish

The excellent result!

Yesterday we finally got access to our new home!! It needs some adjustments for our living and me and the children have spent two days there preparing. We have mostly brought things over, taken picture of the current "setup" (so that we can "reset" it after our changes) and tried to figure out how we should do things the best way. Right now there are only two bedrooms and we would like to make a third one by using part of the living room or family room.

Checking out the beach next to our house :-)

Future children's room

Probably future guest room

One of the two bathrooms (one has a shower and this one has a bathtub)

My favorite room with the view of the back yard

Noah helps out with child proofing the house. Glass table has to go!

During the afternoon today I went to the beach with the children and it was the perfect conditions! Not too hot, not too windy, no current and the tide was just right! For the first time I could let go of Marlee even when he could not touch the bottom without being worried about the current or the waves. I asked him if I could take the chance to take a picture of him in the water but instead of going in and swim he insisted that he should lay on the shore...

1 comment:

  1. Great little house! I can't wait to come up and use the guest room! :-) Marlee's fish is BEAUTIFUL! What talent. Noah is quite a helper and Marlee's "pose" on the beach is perfect. Tell the boys I'm sending them a nice, big beach umbrella to hide under on the beach. Love, Farfar
