

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Noah News

This might be a pretty long post but I hope that it is going to be enjoyable to read! There will be some goodies as well as some big news coming up! ;-)

We have had snow for a while now and more keeps coming. It is such good exercise to shovel snow, plus you get some nice fresh air! I know that I have said it before, but there is no air like "winter air". Marlee normally go sledding or ski while I shovel and Noah sleeps in the stroller.

Noah and Miss Sophie (the giraffe) on the kitchen floor

Telling stories

Mr Teddybear gets to wear big boy undes, too

Marlee in a pile of snow!

Noah with mamma at the hair dresser

Marlee on the floor in his room "reading" a book

Yesterday was the, so called, "Fettisdagen" (Shrove Tuesday in UK and Mardi gras in France). It is the last day before the Lenten fast (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fettisdagen). Noah and I visited my friends Johanna who had baked her own "Semlor" for this day and we had a yummy evening :-)

Swedish "Semlor"

I got home soon after eleven and both Marlee and Alex where sleeping. Marlee was sleeping like this...    

Today I dropped off Marlee at the daymum, Annelie, in the morning. While he was there I ran some erands and then fixed in his room a little before picking him up in the afternoon.

This is how I left Marlee this morning

Marlee's room before fixing a little...

Marlee's room after my fixing :-) (I built a shelf of two IKEA "Lack" tables that I joined together)

This is how I picked up Marlee today, sledding with his friend Moa

And so what about Noah...? Today he turned from back to belly for the first time!! And he is also getting his first tooth!!! I am not thrilled since I am still breast feeding but I must say that he is a very happy toothing boy! I have noticed that he is almost attacking things with his mouth when he gets hold of them and he is waking up a lot during the night, sleeps two hours in row at the most, but I guess he has a good reason to...

The new tooth!!

1 comment:

  1. I love photos and the videos too. Marlee "flying saucering" with great enthusiasm and his feet straight up in the air and Noah putting anything and everything onto his one TOOTH in his mouth. Love, Farfar
