

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


We are still struggling with the jetlag. Noah is doing good but Marlee keeps waking up early, around 5-6 in the morning whick could be normal for a lot of children but not him :-) And i prefer his normal morning time which is around 8. I have waken him up from his nap but so far it has not made him sleep longer at night.

Yesterday we spent the morning at home. Marlee went swimming in the pool. It was the first time he dared to go on deep water in his swimring, on his own!! Without any problems! I am so proud of him!After his nap Kathy, me and children went to the grocerystore and then to "gammelfarfar", Kathy's dad to show him his latest greatgrandchild.

Today we started the day by walking to the playground. It is pretty far but Marlee was fine walking there. Once there the rain came but that did not cause us any problems. In fact Marlee had a great time running in his diaper in the rain. It is probably only crazy Swedes who lets their children do that. I am happy to be a crazy Swede, and I believe Marlee is, too ;-) Noah and I was watching Marlee from under a roof and did not have to get wet. I only had to run out in the rain once, when Marlee rode down a slide which had been VERY slow before but got very slippery when being wet. Marlee rode with his head first and flew out when he reached the end. Luckely he landed on a soft surface and got probably more scared than hurt.

After lunch and nap Marlee went swimming in the pool again and we had a good time! He is so good in that water! Maybe I dare to go in soon, too.

I have not written much about Noah, but he is doing good. He has realized that ceiling fans are a lot of fun and he smiles and laughs a lot, when watching fans or when watching Marlee or us.

Playing with the "bubble gun" by
the playground (before the rain)

- I've got you!

Playing in his diapers only (in the rain)

Playing soccer with farmor (after the rain)

Pool boy!

Noah chilling on the floor
The swimmer!
I do have one more video but it was too big to upload. I will try tomorrow again.

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