

Monday, May 3, 2021

Blue Oak Graduation

Last Thursday it was time for our second coop graduation, Blue Oak. Both of our coops moved to new churches this year and now Blue Oak is in Ormond beach and CC is in Daytona. Both groups were smaller this year than the year before due to covid but I have liked the smaller groups since you can get to know pretty much every family. We have had a great year and a lot of fun! Having a baby in the middle of it surely affected the amount of school work that we got done but that is the beauty of home schooling, we can catch up when it works for us and focus on the present things when they need extra attention :-) While being too busy with being pregnant and having baby David we focused on doing the coop schoolwork and put other things aside. Now we are getting back to math and reading and some smaller projects such as telling time (Gabriel) and type writing (Noah and Marlee). 

Rafael's Pre-K class
Gabriel's 1sg grade class
Noah's 3rd grade class
Marlee's 5th grade class (the three to the left)
All kids
Most classes include 3 different grades, so Marlee's classes for example are for 4th - 6th grade.

For most of the year some of the boys were more excited to go to our cc coop than the Blue oak one. Mainly because Marlee had more friends at cc through the years and he tend to spread his opinion among his siblings. However, by the end of the school year Marlee made some good friends at Blue Oak and now he really likes it. We could have stopped going to Blue Oaks but I really like the families there and the way it is run, and I felt like it would be worth it in the long run, so I made us stay despite the boys' complains and "dislike". The other brothers have always had friends at the coop but have adapted their verbal brother's attitude. There have also been several good lessons to learn ghrough all of this :-)

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