

Monday, October 21, 2019

Exploring the outdoor, the post office and building Billy

Lots of fun outdoor activities. The yearly camp out by Mill Dam Lake. Wonderful weather but LOTS of mosquitos after sundown....

Mill Dam Lake

Can you see Marlee on top of the pole?

And here he dives...

Bringing Floorball to Florida :-)

A HUGE banana spider, but my camera did not want to focus on the spider...

Beautiful sunset
Back home again...

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Noah reading one of our favorite books, the Circus Ship

We got to go on a field trip to the post office and look behind the scenes.

And after the post office some of us went to a near by park by the river. The kids really enjoyed catching crabs and using lizards as earrings :-)

Marlee with a lizard

At our Friday coop. The little kids who are in the nursery.

Rafael trying to catch bubbles

The boys enjoy Ninja classes at one of the gymnastics gyms here. Rafael was too small but maybe next year...

We decided to get some more book shelves, of course it had to be IKEA! The boys were so good at helping essemble them!

Everyone could help!

Lizzy supervised our work...

We had a nice visit to our friends out in Antony, FL, who has a farm with chickens and turkeys.


Marlee with a big one!


  1. Trevligt med dessa tillbakablickar. Hur lyckades Marlee klättra upp på pålen och sedan ställa sig upp. Bra gjort.
    Kram Pa

  2. NICE. From now on when I call the boys "LIZARD EARS", they can't deny it. You guys are still having fun through the Coronavirus pandemic. It will be gone soon. Love, Farfar
