

Friday, September 11, 2015

Outdoor weather and activities

Fall came quickly this year and it is already pretty chili in the mornings. Luckily the weather has been really sunny lately and it gets nice and warm during the day. It is just kind of difficult to dress properly and I have tent to dress us all a little too warm. Maybe it is because I miss dressing warm so I am looking for a reason to wear fleece sweaters and hats :-)

We have taken several walks in the forest. Both next to our house but also a little way from here. A few days ago me and the boys went to a "mummy brunch" with a few other stay home mums. They are really hard to find in Sweden but it was actually five of us. Two had driven about an hour though so only two live close to us. We will probably see some of them soon again for a play date :-)

Looking for mushrooms

Noah found "mushrooms" (birch leaves")

Got a coupon for a furniture/interior store and Marlee and Noah chose these lion/tiger hooks

He loves pasta, potatoes, grounded beef, beans, peas, corn and BREAD. He hates baby food in a jar...

We saw a guineapig during the playdate. It wa a baby one so we hope it found the mum later

I'm so cute!

Marlee and Noah keep building different train tracks and they are really good at it!

Duck adventure at Görväln

BIG ant pile!!

Happy even without pants :-)

Gabriel has felt a little sick lately and not slept very good. Sleeping on pappa helps :-)

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the FALL, before the WINTER comes and get you guys. Nice outdoor activities! But where's Alex? :-)) Love, Farfar
