

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Eating better and no teeth yet...

Teething cookie. No teeth yet but they
keep him busy (and messy)

Marlee is sleeping and Alex is at a meeting with some students down town Denver. I am taking the chance to update the blog without being interrupted :-) Marlee is still not sleeping good at night, he wakes up a lot, but the good news is that he is eating a lot better now. Makes me sooo happy!!! Realised yesterday that he really likes my homemade mashed potatoes so that is great, I love it, too!

Alex went back to the dentist today for a check up and me and Marlee came along. Had some fun in the waiting room :-)

Jenny's dad Göran sent me some pictures from out get-together the other night. So glad, that they took some pictures, since I forgot to bring my camera... Next time I go there (hope it won't be take 15 years...) I will take nice pictures of the house and the view. They have a lake next to their house and they have made some really nice renovations in their house.

Chad        Jenny        Inger             Michele             Göran
Tessla                         Tina               
Foto: Göran (using the timer)


  1. Big Biy Marlee som står upp själv! Shit! Jag hänger inte med. Men jag gillar hans pose där i mitten av filmen! =)

    Nu ska vi in te Malmöe på lit vin och middag hos Elia och Lycke. Bosse ska med, hoppas han håller sig i skinnet och inte tuggar sönder elias spön eller gnager på deras egentillverkade möbler... ser fram emot en lugn kväll =)

    Hoppas ni får en trevlig helg!!! Hälsa pojkarna!
