

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Catch up

Time to add some pictures from the passed week and give a brief update.
At one of the motels on the way to Florida

Alex and Marlee on the beach, Ormond Beach
Nancy, Betchy and Marlee in the house in Ormond Beach

Marlee with one of the dogs, she (the dog) was so nice to him!

After spending time with Nancy and Bechy in Ormond we stayed one more night and then took off for Callahan where Jackie and Doug live. Had a nice reunion dinner with them, as well as Alex's sister Cindy, her daughter Ariel and her boyfriend and brother. Super nice to see them all again!! Marlee got a lot of fun toys from Jackie and Doug! Even I got a little present, a nice book, Mother Love :-D  

Last breakfast at Jackie's and Doug's
Stayed two nights with Jackie and Doug (and their dogs and cats :-) and we got to see Troy and Michelle (Alexs's two other older siblings). During our second day at the house we had a shooting competion. It took them quite a while to convince me to use the gun. Not really my kind of thing. In the end I did use it, but Alex had to cover my ears, even though I had ear plugs. I simply dislike the sound very much. I did hit our target(a paper plate with some stripes :-)  !!!

 Foto: unknown dude ;-)                                                         
Alex,      Jorge,       Alex,         Tina
On the way down to Miami we spent some time in Gainesville to see Alex and Jorge. Unfortunately, little Lucas could not come but we will meet up with them again before we leave the States. Can't wait to see him!!! 

Well, now we are down in Miami and last night we had the pleasure to have some dinner over at Joyce's house (friend of Alex's parents). Very good Turkey!

Today it is Thanks giving and we have had a Turkey dinner again. Really yummy. My favorite was the sallad with apples, raisins, marshmallows(!!!), some white sauce etc as well as the cranberries!! Marlee's favorite was surely the sweet potatoes :-D Well done, Kathy!

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