

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sleep Marlee Sleep!

It is almost midnight and Marlee is wide awake playing. He does not seem to have any plans on going to sleep... We have tried stroller walks, singing, nursing but to no avail. All this travelling surely has given us some sleeping issues. Time to start waking up early and waking him up!

I know that I have promised to add some pictures but I am sorry. The energy to deal with that is just not there today.

Met up with farmor Kathy today, to hand over Snowy. It was a short visit but good to see her! After that we had our first drive through chinese food ever. Really good!

Mum, dad and Linn, Super nice to talk with you today!! And you, too, Johan and Bosse ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hej!

    Kul att prata med er också!!!! Nu ska jag och Bosse ut och leka i snön lite!

    Ses snart! KRAM!
