

Friday, November 23, 2018

Europe trip: Malta (2/2) - the Big Island of Malta

Day 66: Hiking with farmor and a group of Malteses

Our first day on the big Island and me and farmor met up with an old friend of her and her "hiking group". It was a very windy and rainy day and we actually could not do the planned hike because of some flooded trails. The one we ended up doing was great though. Even if we got a little wet, more like soaking wet... :-)

Interesting building with a door in the middle of the river...

Day 67: Visited the capital Valetta and Mdina, after a church service that did not impress us...

During our trip we have tried to visit churches every time we have found one where the service is in English, which is normally in the bigger cities. Most of them have been good. This time farmor and farfar joined us and for the first time, the church was not at all what we hoped for. It was so funny, even Gabriel looked at the priest during the service and said "he is a bad guy" :-)

Holding on to mamma in church

After church we went to explore Valetta, Malta's capital.

One of my favorite spots in Valetta

And some of my favorite boys :-)

Mdina - the old capital of Malta

Outside St Paul's Cathedral in Mdina

Inside the cathedral

Day 68: St Paul's island and St Agatha's tower

First stop today was St Paul's island where St Paul was ones ship wrecked around A.D 60.

On the way down to the island

This is the closest we could get without getting wet :-)

 Next stop of the day was St Agatha's tower, or Red Tower, from 1649.

Knight Pappa

Knight Gabriel

Knight Noah

Knight Marlee


Day 69: Lunch with one of Alex's old teachers and the Dingle Cliffs

The Dingle cliffs

Was a very windy place today!

Day 70: Visit to the Blue Lagoon island

Farmor and farfar left early morning to go back home. We decided to visit the island that is in between Gozo and Malta, the two "big" islands of Malta. It has a bay that is called the blue lagoon since it simply looks like an amazing blue lagoon. We had a great day that I wish could have lasted a bit longer. Some people were swimming but we were not that brave. We preferred to use, the little time we had, to explore the island.

Waiting for the boat to take us to the island

On the boat...

The island...

Interesting plants

Gabriel heading to the top to see Marlee...

Heading back to the big island again...

Rafael could not stay awake on the way home :-)

Day 71: (Thanksgiving) Haircut for Gabriel, Pop Eye village and Thanksgiving dinner with friends to finalize the day

Despite a professional haircut Gabriel's hair was very uneven after...

Pop eye village!! We actually decided to not go in since several attractions were closed and they had an indoor playground for a lot cheaper that the kids would enjoy just as much :-)

We ended the day with a nice dinner with some friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. The friends were actually a friend of Alex from Sweden and his girl friend.

Day 72: Visited Valetta and St John's Co-Cathedral and then the ferry back to Italy

Our last day on Malta and we decided to visit the capital again and actually see the St John's Co-Cathedral this time. Alex really wanted to see a Caravaggio painting in there :-)

Singing with a street musician who asked them to join him :-)

St John's Co-Cathedral...

In front of the Caravaggio painting "The Beheading of St John the baptist"

Each rectangle on the floor is a grave (can you see Alex with two boys?)

From the outside

Valetta port

Bye bye Malta!

1 comment:

  1. Hej Tina, vilka härliga bilder, framför allt på barnen. Men även intressant att följa era utflykter.
    Kram pa
