

Monday, March 4, 2013

Marlee a little sick but the weather is great!

Just some pictures from the past few days... 

Last night Marlee barfed two times so he stayed home today. He has been good except that he did not want to eat anything. I had the gymnastic again but he had to stay home, poor thing! I promised him that we will go swimming as soon as he feels better! He liked that idea! :-D

The past week have been very sunny and you can hear the snow melting (water dripping) when you are outside. I love that sound even if I love the snow, too!

Made some puree for Noah, but they have not been very popular so far..

My angels!

A nice walk on the lake with a friend

Marlee and (all) his books!

Skiing with Marlee with Noah on my belly!

Noah chilling (sleeping) on the snow while I am helping Marlee with his skis

My pro!!!

You might wonder what this is... but it is simply three elks that we saw the other night. I believe it is the second time in my life that I see and an elk so it is not something we do every day here, and now we saw three!!!

They are not angels all the time!!!

1 comment:

  1. Still looks too cold for me! Must be too cold for Alex too :-D Call me when spring has sprung! Love, Farfar
