

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

King of the hill

Marlee impresses me with his skiing! The last two days we have spent in the slopes and Marlee does not want to stop! However, he still cannot brake or plough (?) so we keep him on a leash :-) Noah has been surprisingly happy in the stroller and cross country skiing with Mormor. When we are in the cabin Marlee stays busy with his new toys (that he got for his birthday) and Noah is trying to get to know his cousin, Ailo, who is two months younger.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

First day in Funäsdalen = SUN

Great day in the sun on skis. Marlee, Noah and their cousin Ailo took turns in the two sleds and the harness. We started by walking up up up on the mountain, had lunch, and then skied down again. Got home just in time before the clouds arrived.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Marlee 3 years old!!!

Today our big "baby" turned three!! Yesterday he had a great birthday party in a gymnasium (in my old school, grade 1-6). The children loved it!

Today we gave him breakfast in bed, sang and gave him presents before getting in the car and driving north with mormor and morfar. Now we are up north (Alex is left home to work.. :-( ) and we have celebrated him some more with presents and cake.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Preparing for birthday party and Easter

It seems like this winter never wants to end. We still have several degrees below freezing! At this time last year it was 20C (68F)!!! However we have had lots of preparations to do since Marlee's birthday is soon coming up and he has a big birthday party tomorrow.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Latest gymnastic news

Gymnastics as every Monday now. Noah has plenty of friends there, too and they are mostly chilling in their car seats :-)

The sun keeps shining!

A short update from my phone:
1: Noah in bed
2: decorating the trees down town Bro
3: Noah in his swing
4: Marlee is helping to cut mushrooms!
5: Bubble bath :-)
6: M sleeping in the stroller
7: N sleeping in the stroller
8: Marlee watching fish at Aquaria
9: Two tired boys after Aquaria
10: Mobi is visiting (and sleeping over) with his parents
11: Eating out in a local restaurant, Golden Cave
12: Ice skating on the lake. Might be the last time this winter..
13: Eating out again! Now Pizza Hut :-)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Latest news from the gymnast

All well again and Marlee is, of course, back at the gymnastic! I am, as an old gymnast, so proud! :-D

Always on the run! (Noah in the back with my friend Johanna)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Noah is (finally) "happily" cooperating!!

A great day for all of us but Alex. Woke up to yet another sunny day. Wonderful! I was feeling good again but Alex was still sick and has stayed in bed all day, a little better than yesterday however. I took the boys with me to mormor, who is back in town, and we all went out on the ice. Mormor and I ice-skating, Marlee on the snow racer (sled) and Noah in the stroller. It was a lot of people on the ice so no worries about it being to thin :-D I would not take the children out on the ice if I had the slightest doubt.


ICE (mormor and Marlee)

CRACK (old and frozen)

Marlee: "It is like a flower"
 I wonder if the world is a more beautiful place in children's eyes!?
This makes me wanna paint our rims as a flower, but it would
probably make us look like real hippies :-)

Proud of my two teeth!!

I am on mormor's team!

So what about Noah cooperating?? When I gave him porridge tonight he happily opened his mouth for more than one bite and his ate it instead of spiting it out. Maybe it was helping that I had made Marlee some "big boy porridge" that he was eating.. Anyways, it made me really happy to see that Noah finally accepted to eat something else than milk. He still has a long way to go if he plans on eating as eagerly as Marlee did but this is a very good start :-D

In the video Marlee is talking about a "cinnamon track" that he made in his bowl. Just as strange that it sounds :-)

I am sorry for all of you who cannot understand what we are saying but Marlee will not speak English when Alex is not present. He can only repeat in English if I tell him what to say which will not make it very natural nor spontaneous.