

Thursday, October 28, 2010

GOOD morning!

Good morning, the time is 8.45 in the morning here and I am still in bed, having my two sleeping boys in the room :-D A coupe of days have passed since last time I wrote something and not that much has happened. I have taken walks with the stroller, which I am very happy with. Found a super nice store the the other day for sewing, knitting etc. They have so so many beautiful and cute fabrics that I wanted to buy. Could control myself though and only bought two different fabrics that I will sew a "diaper bag" of. Just a very simple one! Will put some pics here of them soon!

Yesterday I got myself a US cell phone, too, but I have not opened the package yet so the number is still unknown. Will post it as soon as I know it!

Sounds like Marlee is about to wake up so I should go hang out with him now. He has slept pretty good actually, this last night. He only woke up twice!!! Happy mum!!

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