

Friday, October 29, 2010

Awsome night and great day but not for Alex

Marlee only woke up once last night, just before six, and he went back to sleep after having some food. I got a very good sleep and feel great today. The weather today made it even better :-D 

Unfortunately, Alex is having big problems with his teeth and he has been to the dentist twice since I got here. He is going to have his second wisdom tooth pulled out November 8th and until then he will eat both antibiotics and pain killers. The antibiotics he has had until now really make him feel bad, sick, but hopefully he will soon feel better since he is now changing to a different kind.

I have spent the day grocery shopping, stroller walking and cleaned up our room a little. As good as you can clean it with only a broom and no dust pan. Well, they say that kids who are exposed to less clean environments have less allergies so there are good things with everything :-)

Last night Marlee did not want to go to sleep at and we took a fun little video of him when he is in his travel crib. Lol!

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