

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Europe Trip: Katowice, Poland

Day 89: Alex at the UN conference and we stayed "home"

A rather "boring" day in the sense that we did not do anything, really. We stayed inside all day because the weather was grey and cold. The boys played with Lego, did some school work and played with the girl upstairs (the house we stayed in was divided into two apartments where the grandma stayed at the bottom floor and the daughter and grand daughter stayed upstairs. The grandma had been so very kind to lend her half of the house to us (which included our family and two more people who worked with Alex at the UN conference).

Day 90: Lots of snow!! and drove to Zwickau, Germany

We woke up to a heavy snow fall. How exciting!!! The kids ran outside and built a snowman, while I packed the truck for our short trip to my friend in Germany. Alex was going to work at the UN conference for several days so I had decided to go to see my friend with the kids. It was quite an adventurous drive in the year's first blizzard.

When we arrived to Zwickau, the lady who owned the apartment that we rented came to meet us to let us in. She was very nice but mentioned several times that the neighborhood was very quiet and that we needed to be quiet, too. Great, I thought, that I am alone with four wild boys and that she did not tell me before... It worked out fine, though, and we even talked we one of the neighbor before we left, who was a very sweet German lady who gave the boys some Christmas chocolate :-)

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