

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The flu keeps getting us, in an unexpected way

I cannot complain about our week. There were a lot of good things about it - Aunt Jackie was here, we got things done, the weather has been gorgeous, we bought a new washer and we harvested our first home grown grapefruit!.... But, the flu does not want to leave this house. Yesterday, both Marlee and Noah seemed to feel pretty good and we had Kathy and Lexi over for pizza. However, after dinner both Marlee and Gabriel started to feel bad and Gabriel got a fever. This morning they both woke up with over 102F/39C fever! It was the first time Gabriel got sick so I guess we will have to live with this for another week or so. Poor boys!! Me and Alex have still not gotten as sick as the boys but have a constant hang-overish feeling. And it is not due to drinking! :-)

In addition to the flu the weirdest thing has happened to Noah and Marlee! Earlier this week Noah has been complaining about his legs hurting, mostly in the morning, and he has wanted me to carry him. I thought that it was growing pain and thought that he was exaggerating. I remembering getting it when I was a child but normally after doing heavy exercise so I was a little surprised that he got it in the mornings. Anyways, I did not give it much thought. Early this morning though, Marlee woke up in his bed and called me to come get him. I know he was not feeling well so I walked into their room to carry him over to our bed. He said that he could not walk!! He has never complained about that before and now I started to get a little worried. A few hours later, after sleeping a little more I told Alex about it and he googled it. We think that we found out what it is - "benign acute childhood myositis". It is something that mostly boys can get during the winter who live in northern latitudes and is related to the flu. It was actually first described in Sweden in 1957 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2774365/). Marlee has had a hard time to walk all day and seem more affected than Noah but according to what we read it goes away by itself. 

Gabriel has been very peeked today and either been lying on the couch or been carried. He had been drinking water good and eaten some food. I really hope that he will feel better tomorrow. He is fine walking, it is not suppose to happen to children under 3 years old. 

Today is also Aunt Jakie's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT JACKIE!! We love you!

Took the boys to the playground even if they did not feel perfect..

Gabriel's new friend, Tigger!!!

Scooter is not that bad either :-)

Before going to the store to buy a new washer, Noah was not feeling so good...

Meet my new friend!!

My side of the bed this morning. Gabriel does not normally want to sleep in our bed but when being sick it is different

Two sick boys on the couch (Marlee is under the blanket)

Our grapefruit tree that we planted last year!!!

Our first home grown grape fruit ever! It was really really yummy!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that your life is getting back under control. As soon as all the BOOGERS are back healthy, your life will be GREAT!! I can smell the grapefruit!! Very nice photos, as always.
