

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hello Miami and a second Christmas

After a loooong flight (from Stockhom to Helsinki and) from Helsinki to Miami we finally arrived to farmor's and farfar's house. How nice to sleep in a comfortable bed and not having to worry about packing and meeting deadlines!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to mormor and morfar we pretty much managed to leave our house in Sweden as we wanted to. Maybe not as good as I was hoping for but close. We would never be able to do this traveling, renting out etc without our parents, they always saves us when our time schedules fail... We are so lucky to have such great help!

In Miami we have have several occasions of Christmas gift exchanges. Kind of randomly. I got a camera from Alex, farmor and farfar!!!! It has been uses frequently, but this is the first time when I have had time to add some pics to the blog.

First night in Miami. Gabriel hardly ever wants to sleep in our bed but after waking up at 2 to eat some "breakfast" that was the only way to have him go back to sleep again.

Watching TV

Doing mosaic with farmor

A Christmas gift - cars...
Another Christmas gift...

Gabriel playing with his new Walrus

Today I did some shopping with all my crazy boys. They behaved very good until we had s yummy "fika" at a french bakery and they got some macaroons. I am not sure if the sugar changed them but after that shopping was not as easy anymore...

Christmas celebration with cousin Eli!!!

Noah and Eli had a lot of fun!


Uncle Cory and Noah by the pool

I wanted to take a picture of the cousins, but I guess not...

Can you see Marlee?

Merry Christmas Eli!

Last activity of the day for the kids!

1 comment:

  1. Good start with your new camera. I've seen so many photos of MARLEE the BLUR and now one more. He's not STILL very long. It was really hard to get all the kid in one "pile" for a photo. Next time. Hope the Ormond Beach trip goes well. Love, Farfar
