

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Temporary settling down and finding a treasure in the desert!

Yey, we made it to "our" apartment in Roquetad de Mar and we have moved in. Wonderful! We have our own washing machine and we are not going to pack and unpack for days!!! :-) It was a great disappointment for me that the pool is closed. Apparently, there is a law here that you have to have a guard by the pool if it is a pool for a condominium so it is only open for a few summer months when most people are here. Right now it seems to be people living in maybe one out of every ten apartments. It is almost a little ghost like... :-)

Great playgrounda about 10-15 min walk from us

Spain the longest pillows I have ever seen!!!

- I know it is five in the morning, is that a problem, mamma? (Luckily this was an exception!!!)

Unpacking!!!!!! Such great boys!

The playground by our apartment, has a great view :-)

Wonderful beach water! We have not tried it yet but I can't wait! Hope for a sunny warm day soon!

Gimme that hair!!

Exploring Roquetas de Mar

Gabriel with mosquito bites

New shoes!

There is something about cacti, it is fascinating!

Noah: Look mamma, the door is broken! (seems to me like it is a little more broken than that... Simply having a positive mind set!)

So what about the treasure in the desert you might ask... Well, when driving on one of the dirt roads in the desert next door Alex saw something beside the road, small colorful pieces... It was Lego pieces hiding in the sand!!!!???? Me and Alex started digging up piece after piece. We brought them home and me and the boys are working on cleaning them. Some of them are glued together but seems to be loosen up after some time in hot water :-)

Putting the lego in water

Gabriel this morning, chilling in Marlee's bag :-)

The boys could finally go for a bike ride for the first time on the trip!!

We went back to the desert, but found no Lego today. The boys did great!!

A tired Gabriel

Cleaning of Lego continues...

The Internet here is so bad so I have not been able to even update the blog, much less upload any videos. Right now I am using a mobile Internet that we have bought for Alex's radio interviews and teaching but it is quite expensive so the videos have to wait.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you and the guys are having a really great time there. Glad you're "settled" in for a few weeks. I'm very happy about that - and I'm sure you are too :-)) SEE YOU SOON!!!!! Love, Farfar
