It was time for us to let Alex have some peace "at home" and get some work done and since we, at the moment, live in one room it is not really possible for us all to be there if he wants to get anything done. Therefor, Alex dropped me and the boys off by the same park as yesterday and we had four hours to kill. It was not problem! The playground was just as good as yesterday and we had a good pic nic. When Gabriel pooped in his diaper, and I realized that there were no diapers left in the diaper bag (Bummer!) we killed some more time while trying to find a place to buy diapers :-) We also went grocery shopping before Alex came back. The weather was perfect!
A sleeping rooster at the playground (it is not dead, he came walking, laid down and took a nap) |
The local residents at the park :-) |
Well back home we rested a little before Alex had class and it was time for us to take off again. It could have been hard to be out and about so much with the boys but they have been great today. They have pretty much walked the whole day.. For dinner we just walked around the neighborhood and found a nice restaurant where we had a good dinner. I spoiled myself with some wine :-) The waiters were very friendly and made us feel welcome. It has actually been several times during our trip when I have not felt welcome when coming with our kids. And yes, I know that they can be crazy wild and then it would be totally understandable, but most of the time when this has happened they have actually (I know it might be hard to believe!) behaved very good and rather quite.
(we did bring home some food for my hard working husband, too :-)
Two very well behaved boys today |
going to a restaurant alone with three toddlers it's good to have a
backup plan for when (not if) they start getting bored. Such as
practicing cross eye! Ha ha, now I sound like I'm so prepared but, gosh,
did I feel proud (and surprised) when I came up with such a good idea.
When I should have been thankful that it caught on with them. |
Such a perfect idea, bringing a little mini Magnum ice cream with the bill, one for each person |
Glad you guys are getting settled down now. You can RELAX and start to enjoy your vacation there. Hope to get there and see you soon. Love, Farfar