

Friday, February 21, 2025

Gator land

Field trip to Gatorland in Orlando. Since we have seen gators in the wild many times i was a little skeptic but i was happily surprised of all the new things i learned - both crocs and gators live in the Everglades, not only gators; the most sensitive part on a gator is around the mouth so punch there if you would ever be attached. They had albino gators, which we had never seen before.

A “show” for our coop only. 

Watching a gator show where they fed them by letting them chase the food (chicken thighs).

Train ride through the breeding part of the park. They had hundreds of gators living in a big big area
Of the park and we saw enormous gators from the train. 

The albino gator

Gabriel’s favorite part of the park, the birds. 

1 comment:

  1. Härligt med fåglar (är det undulater månne). Jag tycker ni skall ha en bur med några fåglar hemma. Säkert tar Gabriel hand om dom.
    Fina bilder Tina.
    Kram rån Pa
