

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

She is here!!!

Just like the boys she wanted us to wait, and wait… The due date was July 25 and she was born July 31! She was the first baby I had planned to have in an American hospital and because they can be very medical and not very natural when ur comes to childbirth I was more prepared than ever for my natural birth. I had listen to a book about natural birth in a hospital (compared to taking petocin, epidural, C-section etc). I had also written a well prepared birth plan about how I only wanted laughing gas (which is common in Sweden and I used for Marlee and Noah) and nothing else, and that I wanted it all to be as natural as possible. I did not follow my plan at all…

When the contractions started to be more intense I just felt like I could not take the pain and after much back and forth I decided to take an epidural. I had a great nurse who tried to encourage me to not do it but I got really determined. Having the epidural was amazing!! I could not feel anything except some back pain that was surprisingly noticeable despite the epidural. I later learned that the baby was sunny side up (meaning it was facing forward instead of backward and that can cause severe back pain. Now I was even more grateful that I had taken the epidural. However, I know there are many risks with epidurals and I did get pretty nervous after she was born and it was supposed to wear off. They had told me it takes about 2h before I can walk again. When two hours had passed nothing had changed. It took 9h before the epidural was completely gone. After 8h I could walk by myself. It was totally worth it! Our little princess was born at 1:17am, July 31. 8lbs 12oz/3980g and 20 3/4in/52.7cm. Heavier than all her brothers but not the tallest.

Just got the hospital and changed to their charming outfit.

She is born!!! Alex cuts the umbilical cord. :-)

The Celebration meal. We ordered steak and chocolate cake for dessert. It was really good!

Mormor, Morfar and moster Linn celebrated on Fårö :-)

Kathy came with all the boys to visits their baby sister. It was the first time they were able to come visit and all but Noah were excited to hold her.

Before leaving the hospital we managed to agree on her name, Maria Lynn Lilleba :-) and we also had a chance to get professional photographs of baby Maria. Something we don’t have of any of the boys. She is getting more spoiled already!!

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