

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Cruise time for Alex and Rafael!

Mormor and Morfar got back okay to Sweden and we had a couple of days at home before Alex and Rafael went on an amazing cruise to the Caribbean. Alex had agreed to speak at a conference on the cruise before I got pregnant and I was supposed to go but was too pregnant according to the cruise line :-( I’m glad Rafael could take my spot. More later…

Movie night..

Beach day with friends…

… and a shark. 

Great fire work show at a friend’s house!

Alex and Rafael had a wonderful cruise. Since Alex doesn’t have a smart phone random people sent me pictures of Alex abs Rafael :-)

Puerto Plata in Dominican Republic.

On the ship :-)

Puerto Plata again.

Snorkeling with Stingrays in Turks and Caicos. They could even touch them. 

In a giant hot air balloon in the Bahamas. 

Back in ormond again and beach day for the rest of us :-)

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