

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Beach, Proms and boat excursion

Marlee was lucky enough to get to go to two proms before school ended this year. Well school at home is not yet over but coop is. The rest of us got to join him for one of the proms and just left early to let the teens have some time without siblings :-) Unfortunately, the pictures are all mixed up but I hope you will still enjoy them  

Beach day with surfer friends

Marlee in his work outfit

Boat ride to explore Cort Matanza. It ended up a little more adventurous than we expected as we had to walk on clam shells in the river and I fit both my feet. We still had a good time!

Kids tubing on the way back

The kids and I cleaning the car at the car wash 

Fire in the back yard with pappa 

All dressed up for prom

Beach day again…

Man at work :-)

Back to one of the proms.

1 comment:

  1. Härligt att få se er alla igen, om än endast på bilder.
    Kram och tack för senast.
