

Friday, March 3, 2023

Field day, beach and fika

We finally got to participate at the field day (friluftsdag). We have always missed them due to different things but this year we made it! It was so much fun!! Gabriel and Noah got medals for winning the three legged race :-) Pictures are coming further down…

Spanish class outside for Gabriel and Rafael. 

This little guy really likes books, almost as much as cars :-)

David and I explored the park a little while the brothers did different activities during field day. We found a bird with babies. 

Rafael in a potato sack race

Marlee running a mile on time

Gabriel and Noah in a short race 

Noah over at a friend’s house. Our future neighbors whenever we get to move to De Leon Springs. 

First beach day (hour) in a long time!!!!


The boys surprised me the other day with Swedish Fika!! 

Guess who likes to steel my camera and take picture of himself!!??

Today at coop, bridge competition to build the strongest bridge. 

Gabriel and Rafael had a basket ball game today and Gabriel did a very impressive dribbling session. They have special rules for their age so no one is allowed to take it from him. 

And I have finally caught up!!! 

Here is a flash back from when Marlee went skiing. 

1 comment:

  1. Tack för fina bilder och filmer. Verkligen maffig Swedish fika, men var är fikat.
    Marlee åkte fint med kontroll nedför backen och verkade gilla alla utmaningar.
    David har tydligen fina röstresurser och hans Yeah, yeah är en bra början på sångkarriären.
