

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Happy Birthday David!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID 2 years old!!!!!
(January 27)

You never get used to how fast time flies with kids. My baby is two and he is such a capable and wise two-year-old.  He doesn’t talk very much, even if he tries to copy us at least, but he cleans up all his cars (and that’s a lot of cars!!) and he prepares some snacks for himself when he knows we are going somewhere. He puts a slice of bread in a ziplock bag and grabs his water bottle and maybe a baby food pouch. That is pretty impressive I think. He is also a great eater and eats most of what I give him except pizza, and he is not a big fan of white bread. He does love ice cream and chocolate so he is not as healthy as it sounds :-) 

Breakfast in bed

And a delicious breakfast including cookies from ikea 

The biggest gift…

…was a mini basket ball hoop so he can practice with his brothers. 

Marlee’s first basket ball game this season. They lost with 88-8, or something like that, but he has very nice kids on his team and last weekend they actually won :-)

It is tough to be the youngest brother but it makes him strong 😂 Pulling one of Raffi’s friends. 

Sleeping like an angel with his cat blanket 

Gabriel’s and Raffi’s game. They have done pretty good so far. Raffi has the ball and Gabriel is in the orange shorts to the right. 

About a week ago Alex’s mom’s family had a family reunion and it was such a great time!!! Wonderful food and a lot of nice people. Some that we had not met before. 

Look how bubbles watches over the sleeping “baby”. 

Playing with “cousins” at the family reunion

He spends a lot of time watching basket ball right now. Most of the time he does not sit still and look like an angel like this…

Field trip to the Arts and garden museum in ormond. They all got to do a little art project. 

Put in the Garden :-)

Marlee’s braces are really moving things around look at his front teeth!! The bottom pictures are only 12h apart!!!


1 comment:

  1. Hej Tina, David fick en perfekt present i basketkorgen med stativ. Lite trÀning sÄ Àr han snart med i brödernas lag.
    Marlee verkar Àntligen fÄ belöning för sitt lidande. HÀlsa honom att vi Àr imponerade över att han orkar kÀmpa.
    Kram Pa
