

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Happy (late) Independence Day!!

Despite my appendix issues we made it to Madison for 4th of July. It has become a tradition as long as we are in Florida and it is such a nice place to celebrate Independence day. Last year they canceled the fire works because of covid but this it was back to normal. Last year we were a lot of family meeting in Madison, this year it was 5 adults, 5 kids and 5 dogs. 

The fireworks this year was on July 3, not sure why.

The dirt road to our land land in Madison, Doug's Place
Road on our land
While waiting for the fireworks down by the pond down town Madison...

When we came back to our place after, some of the kids made a toad farm :-) It even had a mayor!!
4th of July...

Noah mowing the grass!
Aunt Cindy and Uncle Danny brought the 4-wheelers, which meant lots and lots of fun!! I stayed behind the camera, only, this time because of my surgery.

As always, Aunt Cindy and Uncle Danny had planned and prepared a delicious dinner for everyone. This year, because of my surgery, i did not even bring a side... 

Marlee and Noah had created a "bomb" for 4th of July. They worked on it for weeks and contained all kinds of little "poppers", smoke bins, matches and sparklers. We expected something noisy when we lit it but unfortunately it burned more like a fire, with a few different colors, thanks to the smoke bombs.

No 4th of July without s'mores. The boys prepared their own sticks to grill the marshmallows on.

July 5th...

Our company, Aunt Jackie, Aunt Cindy and Uncle Danny left today and we stayed another day. 

July 6th...

I started the day with a nature walk :-) There are so many pretty flowers and plants. Our garden, that mostly Alex has planted is doing well.

We left yesterday and came back home to a house with a dead AC. Luckily it was cloudy outside and not too hot. This morning we found a repair guy and our house is nice and cool again :-)


  1. Looks like you ALL had a great time at Doug's Place! Good FUN! Good FOOD! Wish I had been there. Maybe next year. Love, Farfar

  2. Jättehärliga bilder. Jag blir så glad när jag får se alla killarna och hur roligt de har. David verkar särskilt omtyckt och får många kramar.
    Många Fårökramar till er alla.
