

Saturday, July 29, 2017

A new phase for Rafael and adventures for the others

Rafael just turned ten month a few days ago.. First I was going to get a cute, happy picture but then I decided against it. After all, this pictures kind of shows you what ten months is all about. There are a lot of things to be sad about when you are ten months... teeth coming, mamma can actually disappear around the corner, mamma is trying to make me eat food and not only nurse and she even thinks that I don't need to eat every other hour during the night!! Bah!

Check out all those teeth!!
We went to a park with a friend and her kids the other day and we had created a treasure hunt for the older kids. They were supposed to find certain things, like something yellow, a roly-poly (grÄsugga), three different leaves etc. It was a lot of fun even if it was raining for most of the time we were there and the mosquitoes were bad!

Gabriel sleeping in hid fort :-)

We FINALLY got a new car!!! A Toyota Sequoya with 8 seats!!! :-)
 I wish I could say that our little garden is flourishing but... there are too many bugs and flees for it to do that... We still harvest tomatoes, and cucumbers keeps coming but never survive very long, but we will see how long the plants will survive. They look very peeked.

Quick visit to the beach on night..

A while ago we got a console containing lots of old Nintendo games. The boys enjoy the first Super Mario :-)

Me and Rafael at a baby shower for a friend.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw this today (got too many emails). Great as always. Really like the beach shots. Love, Farfar
