

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Morning snuggles and "End-of-year-party"

Morning snuggles are the best. Gabriel thinks otherwise. He is normally the first one to wake up in the morning and he always wakes up starving. Hopefully I wake up when he wakes up or when he "break down" the gate that fails to keep him in the "bedroom area". When I don't I normally find him eating something in the kitchen, most likely something he should not have and something that is a lot sweeter than I would have allowed.. Luckily that doesn't happen that often.

The mornings when he doesn't wake up first I enjoy some snuggles with the boys, or just to watch them sleeping.

Find four boogers!

Noah and Rafael

Gabriel played a prank on Rafael - putting stickers on him while he was asleep! Lol!

Getting ready to run to the kitchen

Marlee sent this to Alex yesterday! So sweet!!!

Today was the "end of the year" party for our Friday coop. It was great!! I family let us all come to their house and, wow! did they have a great party pool!!

Gabriel in the shallow area with decorations on the bottom

Marlee jumping, the "bomb"

Marlee jumping backwards with a turn :-)

1 comment:

  1. Usch så länge tills jag får träffa grabbarna. Längtar...
