

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Noah has lost his first tooth!!!

Big news!! Noah lost his first tooth the other day while brushing his teeth!!! We were at the dentist two days before that and he told us that it was loose and that Noah would be early with loosing his first baby tooth. Marlee was about 5 years and 8 months when he lost his first tooth, Noah is only 4 years and 9 months, almost a year younger. While Marlee would not stop telling us about his loose tooth Noah has not said a word, in fact we did not even know it was loose until we went to the dentist :-) 

But other things have happened, too - Birthday parties, Marlee finally finished his school work for the year (now we will have summer school but that is more fun, flexible and less strict), last PE class (which was a great surprise!!) and Rafael turning 8 months!!

Pool birthday party


Beach After-birthday-party: dad against kids :-)

The very last school work before more laid back summer school

It is not easy to not let the 8-month-old get the sticker!!! (May 23)

I cannot sit properly yet but I can get up on things

A fort...

I love his climbing skills :-)

Good morning sunshine!
 Last day of PE before the summer and the boys got to paddle board!!!!

Marlee on one board and Noah on one (with the coach)

Gabriel had fun in the brown river water while M and N paddled

And then he went on a board with me


Me and Gabriel

Coming up soon, Madison weekend...

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Morning snuggles and "End-of-year-party"

Morning snuggles are the best. Gabriel thinks otherwise. He is normally the first one to wake up in the morning and he always wakes up starving. Hopefully I wake up when he wakes up or when he "break down" the gate that fails to keep him in the "bedroom area". When I don't I normally find him eating something in the kitchen, most likely something he should not have and something that is a lot sweeter than I would have allowed.. Luckily that doesn't happen that often.

The mornings when he doesn't wake up first I enjoy some snuggles with the boys, or just to watch them sleeping.

Find four boogers!

Noah and Rafael

Gabriel played a prank on Rafael - putting stickers on him while he was asleep! Lol!

Getting ready to run to the kitchen

Marlee sent this to Alex yesterday! So sweet!!!

Today was the "end of the year" party for our Friday coop. It was great!! I family let us all come to their house and, wow! did they have a great party pool!!

Gabriel in the shallow area with decorations on the bottom

Marlee jumping, the "bomb"

Marlee jumping backwards with a turn :-)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

School graduation, birthday (parties) and DBPD

Today we finally had the birthday party for Marlee, 1,5 month late. Just like last year :-) Yesterday was my birthday and last weekend we went to a birthday party for a friend. Lots of birthday stuff right now. But that is not the only fun stuff around here. The graduation ceremony for our Friday/Blue Oak coop was the first week of May. Marlee graduated 1st grade and Noah pre-K. It was a fun night! We will still keep doing school work but will soon change to "summer school" meaning less strict and more fun.

He was sitting still for a second!!
 The weather has been absolutely gorgeous lately and we have been to the beach more than normal.

When Gabriel wakes up in the morning he goes straight to the kitchen to grab something to eat. We have s gate that stops him some mornings :-) 

Tried to under but his head was too big. Lol!

One of Noah's math exercises. I am so impressed by him. He made all this up by himself.

Noah graduating!

Part of Noah's class

Marlee graduation

Part of Marlee's class

The invite for Marlee's party
Birthday party for a friend

Building a water balloon forte

Water balloon fight!!
Gabriel found some very fun vehicles at the birthday party!!

However, he couldn't ride them. Lol!

We have been replanting some of our plants

Tomatoes, watermelon, cucumber and peas

Peppers and broccoli

Yummy sand

This guy will fight sleeping until he passes out

Yesterday we got to visit Daytona Beach Police Department for a guided tour. It was a lot of fun. We got to meat the SWAT team and the dogs.

Inside the SWAT teams vehicle

Meeting the police dogs
 We decided to make our own Minion pinata for Marlee's party. It was a lot of fun!

Marlee worked so hard to make it!

A friend of hours made the cake!!

Rafael was a real party animal today. Lol!

Candy and kids :-)
We had rain most of the birthday party but it was a blessing. All tables were reserved when we got to the park but the rain must have scared the other party away and all the guests could find parking. The kids did not mind the rain and all the parents could be under the roofs. Over all it was a great party!!!