It has been a while since I wrote something and it is mainly because I have not taken any pictures at all. Not sure why. We have still done all the things that we normally do - stayed inside, been to the beach, been to the pool, seen friends, baked etc. Tomorrow we are going to a birthday party for one of Noah's friends.
Marlee and Noah have some favorite activities when we are inside so much - building fortes, playing board games and laying puzzles. Of course watching TV and playing computer games are popular, too but not as supported by me ;-) I am very proud of how well they play together when having to be inside so much.
Soon school work starts, I have not yet decided when exactly, but the two co-ops that we are joining starts in September. I will be teaching at the one we joined last semester (now called Blue Oaks). I will teach Reading in Noah's class and World geography in Marlee's class. I am very excited!!! Other things that they will have are science (M+N), drama (M), art (M+N) and Spanish (N), as long as we manage to stay all day!! The other co-op (Classical conversation) covers all the basics, except maybe math (?) so that is very exciting, too!!
Gabriel is talking A LOT and he copies everything we say. He has some favorite words, such as pappa, mami (don't ask me why he says mami and not mamma, as M and N!?), ice cream, cookie, bil, car, bless you (when someone sneezes), thank you, tack and the most used one oooookay, with a very long o-sound :-D Everytime we tell him to do or don't do something and he obeys he says "okay" as if he does not really want to but does it anyways. So cute! He surely charms everyone!
Good news - mormor and morfar have booked a trip and will come in October!!!
Oooookay, time to go to bed! (Hope to add some pics soon!)
Ooooooooookay! Good stuff! I have one answer for you - Gabriel says MAMI because that's the way Spanish speakers say it! :-)) I hope Mormor and Morfar get there "before" the baby does! (Luke?) Love, Farfar