

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Noah, 3 years old!!!!

Our sweet Noah turned 3 today and he has been celebrated since morning until bedtime. It was kind of tricky to know what to do for his birthday since he rather just be home with his cars. That is at least was he answered when I asked what he wanted to do for his birthday. After suggesting some other options he agreed on going to the playground :-) I had invited some friends of ours but unfortunately all but one of them were busy this weekend so we did not have much of a party to offer Noah. Luckily he is not like Marlee and does not want anything extra ordinary or special. When I asked him what kind of cake he wanted he replied saying that he wanted "Polarkaka" which is the kind of bread he normally has for breakfast!! For dinner he wanted pasta, only. 

Anyways, we spent the day first at home celebrating Noah with the family only. Then we went to a good playground where we met mormor and morfar, as well as Mobi and Sofia. We had cake and later drove to an indoor playground that was huge, and so fun!!! We ended the day at Max, a Swedish fast food hamburger place.

At the indoor playground

Going down a long slide!

Playing with the new tow truck :-)

Well, Noah is not the only one having a birthday. Yesterday, gamelmormor turned 99!! (my mormor). We all celebrated her and she was in a good mood!

My favorite cake, Princess cake

Gammel mormor

They seems to be such well behaved boys, and they were... for a few minutes ;-)

I ended today with making blackberry jam. Mormor brought us a lot of yummy blackberries from Fårö :-)

Blackberry jam

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Things are slowly falling into place...

...but boy are we keeping busy!! I'm feeling good about things getting done but I don't feel like I spend enough time and focus on the boys. They have been very good lately and M and N still play so good together but there are so many things I want to do with them. It is not that I have totally neglected them (of course), it's rather that I feel too busy to listen to their sweet little stories and curious  questions as much as I would like. 

Beach day with Mobi!

Mushroom picking.. 

Marlee and Noah by the highest tree in the world (not!)

Noah preferred blueberries

We did find some mushrooms (taggsvamp). Yummy!!!

Mushrooms need to be cleaned

Today the boys made art for my Mormor who turns 99 on Friday. 

I finally got tired of Marlee sucking on his hair and cut some off. He was not happy about that! It is still long though!

Friday, August 21, 2015

A boy with no limits

Do I need to say that he makes us nervous sometimes...
(he is not allowed to climb back this high again)

Can you see Marlee?

How about now?

Sleep well morfarfar

Wednesday was the funeral for my farfar, the boys' morfarfar. Sleep well, farfar! <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Still playing so good!!

We have had another very good day when Marlee and Noah have been playing so good together. Of course they have arguments and aren't always on their best behavior but they have played together all day and they have so fun together. 

Tonight Mobi and Aman came over and Alex and Aman took the boys down to the beach where they went swimming (not Alex of course ;-). It was the first time Marlee and Noah saw Mobi since we got back and they were so exited to see him! Now they are all sleeping good. 

Earlier today we finally got rid of our old rusty Ford. Feels good to have that issue out of the way!

Bye bye Ford!

Sleeping so cute!!

Gabriel keeps walking around the yard with the elephant. The one Marlee ones got from farmor and farfar.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Great reunion with Pappa but not with the house

It was a great reunion with pappa when we got back to our house. The boys were so exited! It was very nice to see Alex again but my reunion with the house was not as great. I am doing my best to  not go crazy about all the things that needs to be done. It seems like my first day back repeats itself, I start out panicking about everything that needs to be done and that I can't get done. Then, while Gabriel takes his first nap me and the older boys gets something done and I feel a lot better. The rest of the day goes pretty smooth. Looking back though, it seems like we get quite a lot done and Marlee and Noah have been really helpful!!

Noah is doing pretty good with the potty training and is normally not wearing diapers during the day now :-D

Gabriel is doing very good with the eating and gets the same thing as we normally eat, just a little adjusted. He doesn't like tjhe baby jar food, which I guess is good but not so convenient when I feel lazy..

Marlee and Noah have played so well together today, with train tracks, cars, their cash register and at the play ground. That makes me so happy! They have fought less than normal and have so much fun together! Saturday they cleaned their little pool together, yesterday we organized their room together and today they cleaned the bathtub together, such great helpers!! I am one lucky mum!!

Pappa reunion

Look at those teeth!!

So cute!

Down by "our" beach

Silly boys!

Caught some small fish

Pappa was on the beach, too :-)

Cleaning out the pool

Marlee's favorite thing to do, climbing the pear tree

At the playground today

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Last day on Fårö...

Early early tomorrow morning it's time for us to leave this island :-( and go home to pappa :-) in Bro. 

I have been to Fårö every summer since I was born (I'm even baptized here) and it is always very sad to leave. But, I'm very happy to have been able to stay here for so long and that the boys have had so many friends to play with! Noah and cousin Ailo had such a great time playing today and they are so cute together!!

Started the day blueberry and lingonberry hunting. Ended it on the beach.