

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Almost a heart attack!!!

Yesterday when Marlee came riding his bike I saw something moving on his front wheel. Then I saw that it was a snake (I'm sorry to say that snakes really, REALLY scares me!!!)!!! I tried to calmly tell Marlee to get off his bike. Not sure I succeeded with being calm but he got off and I did not seem to scare him nor Noah. After some phone calls and googling we figured out that it was a copper snake, which is really poisonous. That did not make me feel any better!

Well, long story short.. Animal control came and it turned out to be a corn snake, harmless and actually a good pet.. It was such a relief!! But I still don't like snakes!

Today both Marlee and noH had school. Gabriel and I went grocery shopping and then we all went to a playground with a friend and her two boys. The kids had so much fun and the weather was gorgeous! Tomorrow is supposed to be cooold!  All three boys fell asleep in the car on the way home sand Noah and Marlee continued sleeping in the house. We finished the day with dinner with farmor who is going back to Miami tomorrow. 

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