

Monday, August 11, 2014

Brave Marlee surprised us all!!!

We have had some great days with my friend Brigitte who went back today. She has been such help with the boys, too, and we are so happy that she could come visit. Last time she was here was the summer Marlee was born, so four years ago.
So what has Marlee done that is so brave...? I jumped from the highest trampoline by the beach close to our house. I would guess that it is 3-4m (10-13ft) high!!!!! Totally crazy! He has been really proud after which he should be :-)

Alex jumping from the top trampoline

And then Marlee!!

Me and Noah chilling in the water. Noah did not really enjoy riding on my back...

The last dinner before Brigitte left. Soooooo yummy!!!

The dinner also contained home grilled burgers so no one would go hungry!

One toilet for children and one for adults. This is what I want to have in my home!!!!!

Noah fell asleep on my lap (belly) tonight <3 <3 <3


  1. WOW! That's crazy and AMAZING!!! THANKS very much. Love, Farfar

  2. I still remember the terrifying sled ride down the hill toward a tree. The kid is the next Evil Knievel.
    Love you guys
