

Monday, March 17, 2014

Nice visit of Uncle Cory and Felicia and Marlee getting sick

Uncle Cory and Felicia have been here for a few days and we have had a good time together with good food, board games and mini golf. I am happy that they managed to make it up here before cousin Eli is born (around mid-end April).

So peaceful!

At a birthday party :-)

Play dough in all colors!

Mr Serious!

Marlee made a race car (front to the right and exhaustion to the left :-)

Playing mini golf with Uncle Cory and Felicia


While Marlee has not been feeling great he has been napping two days in a row. He has not napped in months so he is surely not himself. Two days with fever around 38,5-39C (101,4-102F). He has been feeling really bad, especially during night.

Giving mamma a break :-)

Marlee and Noah playing. Marlee had his bright moments today, too :-)

1 comment:

  1. Those guys really have great rhythm!! Sorry Marlee is not feeling too good. Also, I see you got brave enough to break out the PLAY DOUGH!!! Good luck cleaning that up :-) Miss you all a lot. See you soon. Love, Farfar P.S. I'm rooting for Eli to be born on May 5th - CINCO DE MAYO - my birthday!
