

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mamma is so slow!! But Marlee is surely not!!!

The boys are finally getting better. At least Marlee. He still has a minor cough but went back to preschool today. Noah's fever was gone this morning so I joined the play date today even if he should probably had stayed home... And one of the other mums nicely suggested that maybe Noah is teething (he has be drooling a lot the last two days). Of course that is what it is - the fever, the cold, and now the drooling. I just could not put two and two together! Marlee was never bothered by teething except for drooling, which he kept doing loooooong after he had gotten all his teeth, so I just never even thought about the teeth even if I know that it often causes fever and colds... Well, poor Noah is getting more teeth and will soon go from 12 to at least 14 teeth :-)

A not so happy teething Noah...
Good to have a brother that can cheer you up when teething!!

Marlee's car garage

Feels like this dog will replace me one day... ;-|

Yesterday was a very windy and grey day but I loved it and took the boys to the beach and the playground. Everyone was hiding inside because of the weather but I could not get enough of the fresh air :-) Marlee had a lot of fun in the wind on the beach as it made him fall off the railing that he tried to climb.

Kite surfers on the beach by our house

The lizards here are everywhere. I think that they are very cute, as long as they stay outside!

Free rider in the car!

Today Marlee really impressed me. We had practiced some numbers and words and I had left him by the table to just do his own little things with his scissors, pens etc. After a while he comes to me and says - Look what I have written, "BÅT" ("boat" in Swedish). He had!!!! Backwards, but still! I am soooo impressed, and surprised!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see everybody is doing well. Hope Noah gets done with the teething soon and feels better. If Marlee keeps up his learning pace, he'll be able to help his Papa with his writing soon :-) I'm sure they'll both be very happy to see Mormor and Morfar this week (not nearly as happy as Mormor and Morfar will be though). Love, Farfar
