

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Great weekend!

We have had a great weekend with both playing, grown-up-time (Alex spent Friday with Aman and I went out for dinner with some friends Saturday) and home fixing. Me and the children have spent a lot of time with Sofia and Mobi who slept over from Friday to Saturday. Today we went to a puppet show (dockteater) which Marlee really liked.

Easter candy cones that Marlee made

Marlee helping out with raking leaves

Eating some "knäckebröd"

Marlee and Mobi are learning how to trade :-)

A dirty Marlee in his tiger hat (from India)

Finally the sand is "diggable"

Good morning sunshine!

- Good morning, I said!

- You gave me what!?

Marlee on the train with Mobi

1 comment:

  1. BEAUTIFUL CLOSEUPS! Marlee couldn't decide if he liked the rock or raking the leaves better. I hope you noticed that he tried to improve his leaf gathering "productivity" as the video went on. Loved Noah's face so close and he seems pretty well calm and self content. THANKS!! Love, Farfar
