

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Beach time and more camp

We have managed to go to the beach quite a lot lately. I’ve been to pregnant to spend long days at the beach but we have had a couple of hours where and there. 



Watching TV in style

Rafael and David

My sweet friend Ella gave me a pedicure and her daughter had made us lunch. 

At an event for one of the politicians that we know. 

Second trimester, third trimester and baby :-)

Marlee flu by himself to Boston to meet up Alex and Noah for Camp Constitution. Alex and Noah came home Tuesday and Marlee stayed the whole camp. He flu back home Friday, the same day as all the technical problems and canceled flights. It took Alex and I hours to find him a flight home after his original flight was canceled. But, we got him home :-)

Monday, July 29, 2024

Camp and Independence Day

 On our way back from Miami we dropped off Marlee with his friend as they were leaving for camp early early the next morning. The first time he would go by himself for almost a week. The camp was in Tennessee so it was quite a drive.

While Marlee was gone we enjoyed a birthday party for a friend. 

Independence Day! Alex and all the boys except Marlee went to Madison to celebrate with family. I decided to stay home as I didn’t think I would feel comfortable enough in the heat in Madison so pregnant. Marlee had work as well so he needed to stay home. We celebrated the evening with some friends in ormond. 

David in Madison. He was not grumpy, just looked like it in the picture. 

Family reunion with an extra adventure

 In the beginning of July we went down to Miami for family reunion. The kids and drove down and Alex flew in from somewhere else in the country. We were supposed to pick him up at the Miami airport, but… that didn’t happen…

Gabriel found a snake in our drive way.

Sleeping in their new bed. 

Back to our adventure… About 1h and 45 min away from Miami the light for low air in a tire came on. We stopped at a gas station to fill up the air. We have a tire that does leak a little and needs air about ones a month so nothing strange. However, the tire had enough air according to the machine so we tested another one. That one had enough air, too, so we tried a third tire… it was just that the valve broke and all the air escaped! It was pretty late and the gas station we were at was closed… long story short, Marlee and I worked on getting the spare tire out while Cory and Emily drove up from Miami to help us!! Alex was on the plane and had no idea whatever’s going on. The spare tire looked kind of warm out to me so I was so glad to have Cory there to help us and drive behind us all the way to Miami. When Alex took the car to fix the tire the next day the tire guy said our spare tire was fine so that is good to know. 

Finally in Miami and having fun with cousins and other family!!

We had a great time and ate to much delicious food!! 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Baby shower and new loft bed

In the beginning of June some of my friends at church organized a baby shower for me and did such a wonderful job!!! They had made a Swedish buffet with so much delicious food such as salmon, meatballs with lingonberry jam and brown sauce, Swedish sweets and lots of fruits. So good!!

Gabriel and Rafael got swords and shields as a gift for the end of the school year. A friend of Noah made them. 

In preparations for bay sister (as David calls her) we got a loft bed to put over the queen bed in Gabriel’s and Rafael's room so that David can move in there. Since we didn’t have the patience to wait for Alex to come home and do it Noah, Gabriel and Rafael put it all together with some help from me. They did such a good job!!!

David slept in the queen bed with Rafael the first night :-) Gabriel is very happy to have his own bed on top :-)